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His Mercy

It is narrated in the Sunnan collection of Abu Dawud that Abu Masud رضي الله عنه said:

We were traveling with Sayyidina Rasūlullāh ﷺ. When we were stopped, we saw a small bird with two of her chicks. We went and picked up the two chicks, and saw that the mother bird started flapping her wings in extreme anxiety.

Sayyidina Rasūlullāh ﷺ saw this and immediately asked “Who has troubled this bird and made her worry? Give them back to her!”

Another time Sayyidina Rasūlullāh ﷺ saw a bee hive that was burned, so he asked “Who burned this? It is not anyone to punish with fire except the Lord of the Fire.”

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ was so merciful that he not only cared for human beings, but also animals, birds, bees and even trees.

Ref: Our Master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (SAW), his Sublime Character & Exalted Attributes by

Imam Abdallah Sirajuddin al-Hussayni

O’Lord of all the worlds, give us sincere love for your Beloved, for the sake of Sayyidatina Fatima Az-Zahra ‎ عليها السلام

Ishq de Mahboob ka hum ko ya Ilahul Alameen,

Sayyidatina Masooma Hazrat Fatima ‎عليها السلام ke Wastey.

Silsila-e-Aaliya, Khushhaliya.