The night of 15th Sha’ban is one of the greatest nights of the year, which is the night before the 15th day of Sha’ban.
Allah ﷻ said: "On that night, every matter of wisdom is ordained." (Al-Dukhan 44:4). The opinion of many commentators of the Holy Qur'an was that this verse was about the night of Mid-Sha'ban.
The Holy Prophet ﷺ said, "Allah gazes at His creation on the night of Mid-Sha'ban and then forgives all His slaves except two types of people: those who attribute partners to Allah and those who have hatred for their fellow Muslims." (Ahmad).
He ﷺ also said that one of the five nights on which prayer is not rejected is the night of Mid Sha’ban. (Imam al-Suyuti). There are many more Ahadith about the importance of this special night.
The Holy Prophet ﷺ advised that we should spend this night in prayer, and fast the following day. He ﷺ said that Allah will call out from sunset to dawn: "Is there anyone seeking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking provision from Me so I may provide for him? Is there anyone suffering so I may relieve his suffering." (Ibn Majah).
For this reason, Sayyidina Ali (Radhy Allahu Anhu) would spend this entire night in worship, which was followed by the early Muslims, saints (awliya) and pious scholars. We encourage everyone to increase their worship, prayers and remember the Ummah and all of humanity on this special night.
O my Lord, for the sake of all your beloved prophets and saints,
Please fulfill all my needs and remove my pains
Ya Mere Allah Jumla Ambiya ke wasthey,
Haajathe Barla Meri Kul Awliya ke wasthey
Silsila Aaliya e Khushhaliya !!