Our beloved grand shaykh, (Sultan ul Awliya) Hazrat Khwaja Mohammad Hasan Shah Raḥimahullāh would sometimes travel over 100 miles to visit just one mureed. He did not fear traveling alone at night nor anyone or anything in this world.
He would visit each mureed’s home separately where he would give his time and attention in order to teach the mureed (disciple) about Islam, humanity and zikr (meditation). He would then go to the next mureed’s home and do the same, until he had established many different gatherings of zikr and worship all over India. He said that his life’s purpose was to serve the Ummah of Sayyiduna Rasūlullāh ﷺ.
He was such a big Shaykh (spiritual guide) with many extremely wealthy mureeds. But he never asked anyone for any money, food, clothing or gifts. He lived a very simple life such that when he passed ahead, he had only 39 rupees in his pocket.
It is no coincidence that (Sultan ul Awliya)Hazrat Khwaja Mohammad Hasan Shah Raḥimahullāh produced some of the biggest awliya of recent times. There are still countless people all over the world who are benefiting from his sacrifice, faiz (grace) and tabligh (inviting people to Allah).
O’Allah I’m a helpless person so please accept my repentance,
For the sake of Hazrat Mohammad Hasan Shah
Banda E Ajiz Hun Ya Rab Kar Meri Tawba Qabool,
Hazrat Shah Mohammad Hasan Sufiya O Beriya Ke Wasthey
Chiragh-e-Abul Ulai (page 97-98)