The great Sufi saint, Hazrat Farhatullah Shah (Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu) (QSA) advised that people on the path to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’la should know that it is compulsory (wajib) that they carefully protect their vision (nazr). They should not look at anything which is not permissible in the Shari’ah (Islamic law).
Hazrat Farhatullah Shah (QSA) advised that when people walk to their destination, they should avoid looking right or left while walking. The first benefit is that you will reach your destination quicker. The second benefit is that you will be protected from looking at anything not permissible in the Shari’ah (Islamic law). But most importantly, this was the practise of our Holy Prophet ﷺ.
This is because the forbidden (haram) look is the devil’s sharp arrow which does not miss its mark. The devil has used this arrow of a forbidden look many times to destroy many people and bring them down from their spiritual stations. The devil knows that when this one arrow is enough to destroy a person, then he has no need for another weapon.
Farhath E Dil De Hamay Aur Door Karde Fikhr Ay Ghair
Farhatullah Iftikar Ul Awliya Ke Wasthey
(Ref: Mazhar ul-Asrar of Hazrat Hakim Shah Farhatullah QSA, pg. 64-66)