In Surah an-Naml (The Ant), Allah ﷻ states the events between Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام and the Queen of Sheba.
The Queen was coming with 12,000 of her chiefs to see Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام to find out what he wanted from her. It is said that there were many thousand soldiers with each chief.
When the Queen was 5 miles away, Prophet Sulayman
عليه السلام knew she was coming to see him. He wanted to show the power of his army, so that Queen Sheba would avoid going to war with him. He knew that Queen Sheba had a mighty throne made of gold, silver and all types of jewels. It was inside her castle behind seven guarded and locked doors.
So Prophet Sulayman
عليه السلام asked his army who could bring her throne to him. A very strong jinn said that he could bring it before Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام got up from his seat, as Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام used to sit for judgement from early morning to midday and then he would get up.
But Prophet Sulayman
عليه السلام knew his army, so he said that he wanted it even faster that that. Then a man named Hazrat Asif Ibn Barkhiyya said that he would bring it immediately. He asked Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام to look up to the sky and when Prophet Sulayman
عليه السلام looked back, the throne of Sheba was in front of him.
So who was Hazrat Asif Ibn Barkhiyya? He was not a prophet, but he was a wali from the Ummah of Prophet Sulayman عليه السلام
So we should all ask ourselves that if this is the spiritual power of Hazrat Asif Ibn Barkhiyya, then we can only imagine the spiritual power of a wali from the Ummah of Sayyiduna Rasūlullāh ﷺ .
O’Allah we pray that you keep us in the company of the Awliya Allah in this world and the hereafter.
Khuda Ba Hurmathe Arwahey Ambiya Madade,
Paye Muhammad O Mahmood O Mustafa ﷺ Maddade
Reference: Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, commentary on Surah 27.
Silsila-e-Aaliya, Khushhaliya.!