We are wishing everyone a blessed URS (annual commemoration of passing) of Hazrat Khawaja Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu “QSA” (May Allah sanctify his secret) who is lovingly known as “Dada Miyan.”

He was born in the year 1867 (1284 A.H.) in Bhainsori Sharif, Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The early signs of wilayat (sainthood) in him were that he recited Bismillah to start reading the Holy Qur’an at only 4 years old, and stayed away from childhood games compared to other kids his age. He focused on the different Islamic sciences, and later joined military service. He served in the military for 10 years and resigned when he was 29 years old.

When Hazrat Shah Jahangir (II) Fakhrul Arefin Mawlana Abdul Hai (QSA) came from Chittagong, Bangladesh to Calcutta, India, during one of his travels, he stayed at the home of one of his disciples. This is where Hazrat Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah QSA met him and became his disciple (mureed).

Hazrat Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah’s QSA life changed due to the spiritual attention bestowed upon him by Hazrat Fakhrul Arefin QSA. He would offer prayers the entire night, and keep fast during the day. He was known to offer Fair (dawn prayer) with the wudhu (ablution) of Isha (night prayer). He performed many Chillas (spiritual seclusion for 40 days) to devote himself completely to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’la for spiritual attainment. He even performed a Chillah at Mirzakhil Sharif in Bangladesh.

After only a few years, Hazrat Fakhrul Arefin QSA honored Hazrat Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah QSA with Khilafat. Hazrat Mohammad Nabi Raza QSA presented himself at Darbar Ajmer Sharif, and later settled in Lucknow, India in the year 1904.

Hazrat Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah QSA was very generous towards poor people and was known to keep himself away from rich people. He said that the love and respect of our Prophet ﷺ is the highest peak of Iman (faith).

He passed away on the 24th of Rabi al-Awwal, 1329 A.H. His spiritual successor was his brother, Hazrat Khawaja Mohammad Inayath Hasan Shah QSA who was also a very accomplished shaykh in his time.

O’Merciful Lord accept our supplications;

For the sake of King Mohammad Nabi Raza

Ho Dua Maqbool Hamari Sadka E La Thak Nathu,

Shahensha E Mohammad Nabi Raza Ke Wasthey

Silsila - E - Aaliya Khushhaliya !

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