Laa Ilaha Illallahu, Wahdahu La Sharika Lah, Lahul-Mulku Wa Lahul-Hamdu, Wa Huwa Ala Kulli Shai’in Qadir
There is no god except Allah, Who is One, Who has no partners; dominion belongs to Him alone, all praise is due to Him alone; He alone has power over all things.
The mashaykh of Silsila E Aaliya, Khushhaliya have recommended disciples to recite this invocation (dua) 20 times after every obligatory (fardh) prayer as part of Ma’moolathe Shaykh (Prescribed Practises of the Shaykh). There is an authentic Hadith that states that a person who recites this 100 times a day will receive the reward of freeing 10 slaves, 100 good deeds will be written for him, 100 sins wiped away, and he will be protected from Satan (Shaytan) for the rest of the day.
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 3293 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2691)
Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya (Qaddas Allahu Sirrhu) said that he once saw his shaykh, Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar QSA in a dream in which he asked him to recite this same invocation (dua) daily 100 times. Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya QSA then saw that this invocation (dua) was written in the books of mashaykh that one who recited it 100 times a day, would be happy and live a happy life without any means, apparent and manifest. Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya QSA realized that this was exactly what his shaykh had wished for him.
(Ref: Fawa’id al-Fu’ad, pg. 214)
Silsila Aaliya e Khushhaliya !