Once a disciple (mureed) of Hazrat Khawaja Nizamuddin Auliya (Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu) (QSA) asked about the wisdom behind the holy saints keeping their spiritual secrets hidden from others.
The Khawaja explained "If they reveal their secrets, they think that they might be considered unworthy of being a confidant. That is, revealing the secrets means disappointment and deprivation. Because when one reveals one's secrets to another person, and discloses them to others, the one who had revealed his secrets first would never tell the secrets to him again."
O my Lord, for the sake of all your beloved prophets and saints,
please fulfill all my needs and remove my pains
Ya Mere Allah Jumla Ambiya ke wasthey,
Hajathe Barla Meri Kul Awliya ke wasthey
Jum’ah Mubarak from Silsila Aaliya e Khushhaliya !!
(Ref: Fawa’id al-Fu’ad compiled by Amir Hasan Ala Sijzi Dehlavi and English translation by Ziya ul-Hasan Faruqi, page 85)